How to Add Work Basis Pay in SalaryBox?

How to Add Work Basis Pay in SalaryBox?

What is Work Basis Pay?

How to Add Work Basis Pay?

What is Work Basis Pay?

If an employee earns wages based on the amount of work they did, it is known as Work Basis Pay. If you hire your employees on project-based payment, then this will help you in the payroll process

To add work basis pay, you must first add Category, Item and Rate per quantity. Here are these:


You can define the work category here. For example, if you have a shoe manufacturing unit, you can enter Shoe as a category.


The item is a job being carried out in a category. For example, you can add a Sole as an Item if you are paying for stitching a sole per shoe in your manufacturing unit.

If you want to add work basis pay to your employee, follow the steps given below.


How to Add Work Basis Pay?


  1. Open the SalaryBox app and select the employee name to which you wantto add work basis the employee name to add work basis pay in android app of salarybox

  2. Select the Salary the salary tab and then click on more payments to add work basis pay in android app of salarybox

  3.  Click on Work Basis Pay.Click on Work Basis Pay
    4. A new screen will appear and tap on on work basis pay and the new screen will appear to add work basis pay in android app of salarybox

  4. Click onAdd Category. 5. Enter the Category Name and click on Save to save it.enter the category name and click on save to save category in android app of salarybox

  5. Now click on Add Items as the new screen click on add items as new screen opens to add work basis pay in android app of salarybox

  6. Name the Item and its Rate/Unit. Then, click on Add Item to add the item and its rate then click on add item to add work basis pay in android app of salarybox

  7. Now, go one step back and click on Category.

  8. Select the added category from the list and then the added item.

  9. Once the item rate is populated, add quantity in theQuantityfield.

  10. Enter the Date of Payment and Notes if needed. Once done, click on Save Work to save the entry.

    enter the date of payment and notes and click on save work to add work basis pay in  android app of salarybox

You can also notify your employee via Whatsapp or SMS if necessary. You can also check the past work basis pay by going to the Work Basis Pay History tab.

You can also download its report by clicking Download Report at the bottom of the screen.


  1. Open the SalaryBox app on your iPhone device and tap on the employee name to which you want to add work basis pay.tap on the employee name to which you want to add work basis pay in iOS version of salarybox

  2. Once the Salary screen opens, click on Work Basis Pay.once the salary screen opens click on work basis pay in iOS version of salarybox

  3. Tap on Work Item and enter the item name.

  4. Enter the rate per quantity in the Rate field.

  5. Then, enter Quantity in the next field.

  6. Enter the Date of Payment and Notes (for reference) if needed.

  7. Click on Save Work, and the work will be saved.

  8. You can check the past work basis pay by clicking on Work Basis Pay save the work item, quantity and payment date to add the work basis pay in iOS version of salarybox app

Note that if an employee’s salary is finalised, you cannot add a work basis to it.You have to undo the salary finalisation to add work basis pay. To undo the salary finalisation, click here.


  1. Open the SalaryBox desktop application and click on the Salary tab in front of the employee name to which you want to add work basis pay.In desktop version of salarybox, select the employee name to add work basis pay

  2. Select Work Basis Pay and then click on the Select Category work basis pay and then click on the select category box in desktop version of salarybox

  3. Click on Add Category from the drop-down.

  4. Then, name the category and click on Save to save it.

  5. Click on Category again and select the added category from the list.

  6. Tap on Select Item and then click on Add Item from the drop-down.

  7. Enter the Item Name and Item Rate/Unit. Then, click on Save to save the item.

  8. Again, click Select Item and choose the added item from the list.

  9. Enter the Date of Payment and Notes for reference.

  10. Once done, click on Add Work to add the entry.add the category, date of payment and item to add the work basis pay in desktop version of salarybox

You can check the past work basis pay in the History section. Once added, you can finalise the employee salary. To know how to finalise employee salary, click here.

If you’re looking for assistance regarding our app, you can contact our support team at

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