Usually, companies want to include the Employer Contributions towards PF, ESI and LWF as part of CTC (Cost to Company) as these are costs borne by the company to employ the staff. However, in case you want to pay Employer PF/ESI/LWF contributions but don't want to include these as part of CTC , you can also set up the same in SalaryBox now
Note : This feature is currently available on web only. Support will be coming on Android with upcoming app release
For editing Single staff Salary
After logging into,
Step 1 : Go to My Team > Salary Details tab
Step 2 : Search for the relevant staff and click on their name
Step 3: Click on Edit Salary
Step 4: Select the month for which you want the change in salary settings to be effective from.
Then under Employer Contribution section,
uncheck the checkbox for "Included in CTC Amount" against Employer PF . When you untick this check box, the CTC amount at the bottom of the screen will also start reflecting the CTC without Employer PF Contribution
Step 5: You can also untick checkboxes for similar effect against Employer ESI and Labour Welfare Fund if so required. Else you can directly click on
"Update Details" button on top right to save the changes to salary
Step 6: Rerun Payroll Calculations : Go to Payroll > Run Payroll screen to refresh the Payroll calculations. Select the payroll month as per the month you have modified the CTC for.
Note : Payroll calculations may not get updated properly if you have already finalized the payroll for the impacted staff . To recalculate the payroll, click on Total Salary amount logged against the relevant staff and then on the sidesheet that appears, click on the 3 dots and click "Unfinalize Payroll"
Step 7: Verify Calculations : You can check the earnings and deductions values against the staff now in the same sidesheet. Earnings will not include Employer PF amount if it has not been included in CTC during Salary SetupEmployer PF will still remain as part of Deductions
Step #8 : After completing salary payments, download Payslips and verify all breakdowns are appearing as per expected
For applying above change to multiple staff
Step #1 Go to My Team > Salary Details tab
Step #2 Select Wage Type as Monthly and Payroll month for which the CTC needs to be updated
Step #3 Select the Staff for which salary needs to be updated , then click on
Update Salary Details on top right of the screen
Step #4 Click on
Download Template button to download the existing salary details of the selected staff
Step #5 Open the downloaded xlsx file and scroll to right till last 3 columns
to Exclude Employer PF from CTC amount > Set cell value in Column labelled
Employer PF included in CTC as
Noto Exclude Employer ESI from CTC amount > Set cell value in Column labelled
Employer ESI included in CTC as
Noto Exclude Employer LWF from CTC amount > Set cell value in Column labelled
Employer LWF included in CTC as
NoSave and close the file
Step #6 Click on
Upload Salary Details and upload the modified excel file
Step #7 Wait for 1 minute for all changes to take place. After 1 minute you can reload the My Team > Salary Details tab to see the updated CTC amounts
Step #8 : Verify Salary Calculations from Payroll < Run Payroll screen
Step #9 : After completing salary payments, download Payslips and verify all breakdowns are appearing as per expected